How to get the most out of your spot on our frameworks
Our appointed companies are an integral part of SPA and are crucial to the success of our business. We are delighted to have over 200 appointed companies ranging from large national companies to local SMEs. SPA are a leading framework provider overseeing £1bn worth of public sector contracts and working in collaboration with our appointed companies is integral to this success. Each appointed company plays an important role in, not only developing our intelligent procurement solutions, but also providing works and services to our Partners across Scotland. Our aim is to support and assist you to ensure that your company gets the best out of our frameworks.
Technical Support
Our technical team, Graham Collie (Technical Support Manager) and Heather O’Donnell (Project Support Officer) will support you from when you are appointed and throughout the lifecycle of the framework.
Graham and Heather are your main point of contact for on-site technical support, and they are available to attend any pre-start meetings, progress meetings, site visits and assist in any other areas required. They will receive regular project updates and assist with any issues.
Marketing Support
Our marketing team is here to assist you in marketing your business by promoting your projects and good news stories. Following your appointment on newly launched frameworks, you will receive a dedicated toolkit, which includes helpful contact numbers for the SPA team, a framework guide and some pre-written social media posts to promote your spot on the framework. We welcome each of our appointed companies on the framework via our social media channels.
You can expect our marketing team, Corinne Kemp (Marketing and Communications Officer) and Abi Houliston (Marketing Apprentice) to reach out with marketing opportunities and helpful resources throughout the framework cycle. There are plenty of opportunities for further engagement and social media platforms available for you to reach our 100+ public sector partners. You can submit projects for our quarterly partner newsletter and inform us of any good news stories that we can promote on our social media channels.
We have found that appointed companies that directly engage with SPA deliver better results from their place on the framework or dynamic purchasing system, for more details on how your company can collaborate with SPA get in touch via or via the contact details below.
Contact Details
Graham Collie, Technical Support Manager:
Heather O’Donnell, Project Support Officer
- 07960 002 907
Corinne Kemp, Marketing & Communications Officer
- 07951 161 907
Abi Houliston, Marketing Apprentice
- 07960098589
Alistair Rankine, Client Support Manager (East)
Lynsay Logan, Client Support Manager (West)
- 07960 002 911