Bidding on Frameworks

With several frameworks being launched for tender in the near future and off the back of our most recent supplier session on unlocking framework opportunities it is even more vital that suppliers understand the process of bidding for our frameworks.


How to bid on a Framework

The application process is managed using our e-tendering platform, In-Tend, once registered users can view current and upcoming opportunities, note interest, download documentation, submit an application, and track the progress of an application. Users can select to be notified about opportunities that match their profile.


All of our opportunities are advertised on our website, In-Tend and Public Contracts Scotland (PCS).


Why would you bid on an SPA Framework?


We believe there are a variety of different reasons for bidding on our frameworks. From contract stability to opportunities to grow as a company.


As a public sector organisation in Scotland, in general we can offer more stability than our private sector competitors. Our public sector partners are less likely to go bankrupt or face significant financial difficulties, which means that suppliers can be assured of a more stable income stream from public sector contracts.​


Guaranteed payments are another facet of choosing to bid on a public sector organisation’s framework. Our partners are obligated to pay suppliers on time this can help reduce or mitigate cash flow problems as the income streams are under guarantee.



Our procurement processes are fair and transparent, again as a public sector organisation we are required to conduct procurement activities in and open, transparent and fair manner. This ensures there will be no discrimination to suppliers during the procurement process.


Ethical and sustainable goals are part of most public sector organisation’s remit and this is no different when it comes to procurement. This means they are more likely to work with suppliers who convey these values and have a strong track record  in areas such as environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices.


Public sector organisations like us often have long-term contracts that provide suppliers with a stable income stream over several years. This provides suppliers with the opportunity to invest in their business, allowing them to develop new products or services that meet the needs of the public sector.​


Explore more reasons to choose SPA


This month, our procurement team delivered an event around unlocking SPA Framework Opportunities. The purpose of the session was to outline what needs to be considered when bidding on our frameworks.


We frequently put on events around various topics for our clients, our upcoming events are listed on our events page here.



Through bidding on one of our frameworks you would have access to expert technical and client support as well as components of our fantastic Added Value Services


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